Knit and crochet patterns, bead charts and random crafting tips... with a few reviews tossed in

Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Sunday, December 7, 2008
24 years
So alls going better. Jorden was feeling much better had some color again. Then we got back home.........It was bad............Our dog thought it was a good idea to eat out of the cat box.............then threw up all over the living room.......... the smell not exactly nice.......We've had her 8 years and she picks our anniversary to try eating out of the cat box..... she had food and water, she could have eaten the cat food even!!!!!
All in all it was a good day, Jorden was feeling good enough to eat the steak dinnr I made, I got some nice yarn and started a hat for mom. started a blanket today for Jorden. : )
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Men's Triangular Wrist Warmers
This pattern was created with easy on and off in mind
Men’s Triangular Twists Wrist Warmers
145 yds worsted weight yarn
Size 8 US dpns ( set of 5 )
Cable needle
Small amount of scrap yarn in contrasting color
4 ½ sts. by 6 rows per inch
Fit’s a 9“ wrist. This pattern size can be made larger or smaller by changing needle size or yarn weight as well as by adding or removing stitches. Keeping the number of stitches to 10 on needles 1 & 2 for the right hand and needles 1 & 4 for the left hand. You may need to do 1 by 1 ribbing instead of 2 by 2 depending on how many stitches are changed.
StitchesK = knit
Kf/b = knit into the front and back of the next stitch
K2tog = knit 2 stitches together
M1 = make new stitch by picking up bar between stitches and knit through the back loop
P = purl
Skp = slip one stitch knit wise, knit the next stitch, pass the slipped stitch over the knit stitch.
T2b = Slip 1 stitch onto cable needle hold in back, knit next stitch, purl stitch off cable needle
T2f = Slip 1 stitch onto cable needle hold in front, purl next stitch, knit stitch off of cable needle
on Ravelry
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
The Hole Star

The Hole Star Ornament
I wanted to hang crystals on my tree but they were so small you couldn't see them, so I made this star to hang around the crystals. You can use any small item you like.
I used fingering weight in white. Yarn with a bit of sparkle would also be nice.
I used size US 4 needles, for the larger one ( 4 3/4" across by 5" wide ) and US 3 for the smaller one ( 4 1/4" by about 4 1/2" ).
Cast on 9 sts. Leave a tail long enough for seaming at end.
Row 1 - Knit ( ws )
Row 2 - K1, K1F/B, K5, K2tog.
Repeat for a total of 10 times.
Knit one more row and bind off all but one stitch.
Pick up 8 sts. along the left edge. ( right side facing )
Making sure not to go all the way to the end as this is what gives you the hole.

Repeat for a total of six times, on the last one bind off all stitches. Seam the edge and weave in ends.
K1F/B = knit into the front and back of same stitch.
K2tog = knit 2 stitches together.
I used the K1F/B increase because I like the look of it, but you can use any increase you like to give them a different look.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
flip flop toes

I did it I got a pair of flip flop socks done for DS#1. I used my good old stand by pattern for a cuff down round heel sock, then made it up as I went along. Took days, as he wears a size 11 1/2 shoe.
Friday, October 31, 2008
Monday, October 6, 2008
Halloween socks
As I was looking at my socks I came across the slippers my grandmother made 30 years ago. I made a pair, but still need to spruce them up a bit.
I also made a bag. It started out a scarf, but it just needed to be a bag ;)
I did start the pattern over, with a different yarn. Maybe it'll make it into a scarf. We'll see.

I got a hot pad/dishcloth done yesterday. I like them on the small side, so it didn't take long.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
A warm winter
My parents got us the most wonderful gift. They arrived last evening. A big one and a small one as well. We will be so much warmer this year. WooHoo
Monday, September 29, 2008
More done items

This is a pattern I did a a few weeks ago, but never got posted. It's Lace Beanie in Lion Brand's free patterns. I used Redheart, but don't recall the name of the color. It came out looking good but was kinda rough on the hands as far as knitting goes.

All in all I'm starting to make a bigger dent in my stash. Yahoo
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Fire Faerie

Thursday, September 18, 2008
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
x-mas socks

Monday, September 1, 2008
Pink Socks

Another storm coming so I'll have to post more later.

Saturday, August 30, 2008
Socks and peppers

Thursday, August 21, 2008
Wash clothes

Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Little Dog
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Rainy Season
Our pumpkins are doing great along with everything else, but the peas. Some bug is eating the leaves. I've sprayed a few times, but they just seem to be drying up even though I've been keeping up with watering. Oh well they were great while they lasted.
I've made a dent in my yarn. I've made wrist warmers (one set of sleeves) for a few nieces 3 in all, more the a dozen wash clothes, and about a dozen scrubbies. Three bags also for nieces. Plan on starting a real cute hat. The pattern is by Berroco, called Dizzy best of all it's free. I'm also getting ready to start a blanket in homespun. Haven't pick a pattern yet. I'm thinking some thing loose, not overly done as the yarn looks cool on it's own. Got slowed down for awhile here, my shoulder gave out on me and needed a break. Pain sucks, but like they said at least you know your still alive. ;)
Last report I read about the fire said it was almost out, with the rain we got I hope it's true. There are so many fires going on all over the place, my best wishes to all out there who have to deal with them in any way. The report said it cost about $500.000, and 1750 acres. All so someone could mess around and lose control of a fire that should never have been started in the first place, as the fire hazard was already at high. Stop and think, that would save so many a lot of trouble. Just think of how the world would be if people just stopped and thought about what they were about to do. Probably would cost a lot of people in law enforcement jobs, but still would be kind of cool, huh.
Monday, June 16, 2008
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Father's Day
This has been a crazy week around here. My sister moved in with us, and is now staying on the couch. Until hubby gets the add on rooms done. So far everything there is going good.
Our mountains are on fire. The photo at the top of this page are of the Organ Mountains, the fire would be on the right side of the photo looking at it. The fire was started yesterday, late afternoon. You can see the flames from my back door steps. They are spreading fast. A very hard to get to area. This morning it would seem to be slowing down, or at least there is less smoke. We haven't had any rain to speak of this year, the "rainy season" doesn't start until around the first week in July, which now seems very far off. They said it had burned over 400 acres by 6pm last night.
Smoke filled our house around 3am making it very hard to breath. Only a hand full of houses are in that area. I wish them the best. I hope the animals living up there made it out. I know that's most likely not the case, but one can wish.
Reports are saying, it was a "man" started fire, in other words not lighting. Too many people don't realize just how fast a fire can spread in dry areas like this. I hope all goes well.
Thanks must go to all the fire fighters working on this. Please be safe.
Sunday, June 1, 2008
The boys planted a few more trees, weeping and globe willows. Roses have been in full bloom, for a good two weeks now. As soon as you go through the fence to the front yard the smell of roses hit you, it's very strong and sweet. It's been bringing the hummingbirds around :).
My niece said yes to my making her something, So I'm almost done with the wrist warmers. Made a bag for my other niece. Going to make wrist warmers for Toni. She spent some time here this last weekend and gave me more yarn :) :). I'm going to have to start making bigger things. I did make half a dozen dish clothes this week too, but still not moving fast enough. Might help if I could stay away from this new game we got. It's so cool, you get to make a village, set it up so they can feed and heal themselves. Build stuff, teach them to fish, all kinds of stuff. It's a lot of fun. Oh okay back to house work and knitting mostly knitting :)
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
My yarn
I was going through my yarn today, when it hit me. I've got a lot of yarn!! The photo only shows some of it. I was given most of it. The rest I got on sell or at the goodwill. I don't like to pay full price, and don't do it often if ever.
I can hardly say no to a gift, right that would be rude. And I do so love getting yarn gifted to me. If they can't use it who am I to say no.....
Now the problem, how to use it all.????? I have to stop buying any myself. I can't even believe I'm writing this. I went for five months without buying any last year, and lived through it, I can do it again, yep that's what I'm going to keep telling myself.
My family has been telling me they are happy that I took up knitting, because I'm now easier to buy gifts for, but wow. I still haven't use all that I got from my last birthday, and just got more. yeah Life is Good
I've only been knitting for just over a year now. I guess the real answer is to just knit faster ;) other wise who knows what I'll have in another years time.
All this got going because I was looking through my yarn to get ideas for something for my great niece. She doesn't need anything she said. With that kind of thinking I'll never use up my yarn. So I'm left to come up with something for a 13yr girl. I have boys, I'm way out of my comfort zone here.
I'm thinking wrist warmers or something like that. She's kind of goth right now. Any ideas out there???
Today the wind is picking up again, at least it backs down the heat. We hit over 100% yesterday. Just after the wind backed down enough to hang out the wash we got rain clouds, no rain just clouds. Not knowing that then I only got one load dried. I really hate using the dryer when you have to use the cooler too. Oh well I didn't feel like doing wash anyhow he he, maybe later ;)
My first peas are ready to pick. YAHOO I can't wait for the tomatoes and chillies. The prices are going up so much on anything worth eating it should save us some money this year. As long as the water bill doesn't get to crazy that is.
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Penguin Socks
The pattern is in the book " knitted socks", by Anna Tillman. The book was a birthday gift, I love it. This was the first pattern from the book that I've done, but have plans to start "the whole hog" and "fab for flip flops" patterns soon as gifts for family.
I changed the pattern a little bit. I did top part in 2 by 2 ribbing. Also changed yarn to Berroco Comfort DK for the top parts and Sinfonia cotton for the foot. Oh and I put button eyes and no tail as it wouldn't work with the type of shoes she has.
I did most of the sock while on a drive to and from Wisconsin. I finshed the instep and toes after we got back.
The drive up, though not under happy circumstances went well. The ride back started well for the first day, the next we ran into so much rain you couldn't see but feet in front of your car.
I was very happy to come back to my desert home:), even though it was cloudy it was more sun then we'd seen in two weeks. The last day of the trip went very well, weather was
great, miles flew by. By then no one wanted to stop even for food! We made it all the way home.