Got the pink socks done the night before last. Started some x-mas colored ones yesterday morning. I'm trying them on one circular. So far it's going good, I should have stopped and read about it, but I wanted to try a pair in cotton.
As I'm on a yarn diet, I needed to use what I have on hand first so it's red, green and white for these socks. I really like the way it's coming out so far. I'll post another photo later. I'm now doing the gussets, the pattern of the yarn is making both socks look close to each other : )
I got this yarn from Peaches & Creme. In the $2 grab packs. So far I've been able to use everything I got in the pack. Really a good deal, if you don't mind random colors. I wanted to have some on hand to make dish cloths, but have found so many uses for it : )
Another storm coming so I'll have to post more later.

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