This is a shawl I just finished.

Not that it took very long. I used large needles ( 15 us ) to try and show the yarn more. The yarn is by Yarn Bee's Playful, in Black Tie

Ombre. I wouldn't want to use this yarn on anything tight knit, but for a loose stitch it was fun. I used a healing shawl style, with wrap and drop stitches.
I had to make another pair of mittens. It's a fun quick knit. These are baby size. Next pair will be older kid size. I added beads to my grey pair

to look like a snow flake. I posted them in my last post.

I made a hat as well, it's kinda small. I hope it fixes, I'm pretty sure it will she's a tiny little thing. If not I'm sure we'll find someone who could use it. I used my real camera not cell phone for this shot hoping to catch the real color, yes bright pink and black. : )

Okay so yesterday I was playing with the idea of adding a edge to a washcloth. Not just a border. Just to do something different. I think just about every border that could be has been!
I made a stocking stitch oblong square. I was going for a hand towel size with this one at DS request. I just put what ever I had together. Peaches and Cremes Fiesta and Daisy ombre. Odd but usable.
This is a pattern I did a a few weeks ago, but never got posted. It's Lace Beanie in Lion Brand's free patterns. I used Redheart, but don't recall the name of the color. It came out looking good but was kinda rough on the hands as far as knitting goes.

All in all I'm starting to make a bigger dent in my stash. Yahoo
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