I was going through my yarn today, when it hit me. I've got a lot of yarn!! The photo only shows some of it. I was given most of it. The rest I got on sell or at the goodwill. I don't like to pay full price, and don't do it often if ever.
I can hardly say no to a gift, right that would be rude. And I do so love getting yarn gifted to me. If they can't use it who am I to say no.....
Now the problem, how to use it all.????? I have to stop buying any myself. I can't even believe I'm writing this. I went for five months without buying any last year, and lived through it, I can do it again, yep that's what I'm going to keep telling myself.
My family has been telling me they are happy that I took up knitting, because I'm now easier to buy gifts for, but wow. I still haven't use all that I got from my last birthday, and just got more. yeah Life is Good
I've only been knitting for just over a year now. I guess the real answer is to just knit faster ;) other wise who knows what I'll have in another years time.
All this got going because I was looking through my yarn to get ideas for something for my great niece. She doesn't need anything she said. With that kind of thinking I'll never use up my yarn. So I'm left to come up with something for a 13yr girl. I have boys, I'm way out of my comfort zone here.
I'm thinking wrist warmers or something like that. She's kind of goth right now. Any ideas out there???
Today the wind is picking up again, at least it backs down the heat. We hit over 100% yesterday. Just after the wind backed down enough to hang out the wash we got rain clouds, no rain just clouds. Not knowing that then I only got one load dried. I really hate using the dryer when you have to use the cooler too. Oh well I didn't feel like doing wash anyhow he he, maybe later ;)
My first peas are ready to pick. YAHOO I can't wait for the tomatoes and chillies. The prices are going up so much on anything worth eating it should save us some money this year. As long as the water bill doesn't get to crazy that is.
It is NO problem that you won so much yarn.....someone had to adopt it.
I hear you about the price of fuel, gas and food going beyond our reach. It's unbelievable!
We have enlarged our garden and I intend to freeze all I can from it this year.
I agree... keep gardening and save all you can... that's what we're doing...
As for a teenage gift... I think hand/wrist warmers are a super idea: they've gone down well with my teenage nephew...
Holly freezeing is a great idea. I've never done more then salsas, this year I'm going to have a go at it :)
norfolkknitter, Thanks for the in put. I had made some for my guys and they really liked them.
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