Been playing with the idea of making eye glass cases for awhile. How would a crochet one hold up, would it protect the glasses enough to be useful... I get mine from the dollar store so it's not a big expense if it doesn't work..
Knit and crochet patterns, bead charts and random crafting tips... with a few reviews tossed in

Saturday, June 25, 2022
Ugly test glasses case
Been playing with the idea of making eye glass cases for awhile. How would a crochet one hold up, would it protect the glasses enough to be useful... I get mine from the dollar store so it's not a big expense if it doesn't work..
Wednesday, June 15, 2022
Fabric Bowl update

These photos are after almost six months of daily use.. washed and dried without any special treatment .. cold water and medium heat.. with anything from towels to jeans..
They did shrink a small amount, not enough to need to resize the pattern .. the cotton batting fluffed up a bit but held its placement well.. they did fade some but fabric still holding strong.. I didn't use any fabric softener even though we have very harsh water.. laundry soap is not what one would consider high end... so no added fabric protection .. all in all I'm very happy with the test run.. now with a sturdy sewing table/desk I plan on moving forward with these and a few other items I've been testing.. no set date yet so stay tuned ;)
Tuesday, June 14, 2022
New Old Desk
An almost complete rearrangement was necessary to one room .. well worth the effort.. had been planning on changing a few things around any how so worked out wonderfully .. definitely happy with this thrift store find .. now to add those liners to the crochet bags