Friday, September 2, 2016

How to peel fresh eggs

We get asked often how to hard boil fresh eggs so they can be easily peeled ( so posting again ) ... after trying many ... many ... and a few more ways the only sure fire way we have come up with is so easy...
add your eggs to cool water, bring to boil.. cook for the hardness you want .. ( I add a touch of salt.. keeps the eggs from spilling out if one should crack while cooking )
For Large eggs:
  • Soft-cooked yolk 4 to 5 minutes
  • Medium-cooked yolk 6 minutes
  • Hard-cooked yolk 17 minutes
For Medium eggs:
  • Soft-cooked yolk 3 minutes
  • Medium-cooked yolk 5 minutes
  • Hard-cooked yolk 12 minutes
while boiling get a bowl/sink of ice cold water ready.. here in the desert ice melts too fast and cold tap water doesn't happen except in the dead of winter.. so I freeze water bottles and place in a sink full of water...
move the eggs straight from the boiling water to the ice water.. LEAVE until cooled off
then peel

These eggs are right out of the coop.. not even hours old

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