Monday, April 29, 2013

A surprise in the coop

I have been so busy with coop changes. I didn't get the girls off their nest yet....tried yesterday but they were pretty set on staying. I thought I'd wait a day until I could move them into one of the smaller coops we've been working on......
I was shocked to find this little guy today.... he's barred rock/buff orpington.....
 I plan on candling the eggs anyhow but what a cool surprise a black and yellow chickie :D so glad it worked out for the best :D
In that coop we had a young barred rooster for a very short time, he was way too mean so we took him out....
One of our buffs must have snuck an egg in by the Ameraucana before she went broody herself lol.... this is 9 days after the first hatch....
A buff was sitting out by the chick this time, I still had him come in as the nest they picked to keep the eggs in isn't chick friendly....she was watching out for him well, but didn't seem upset that I took him at all lol.....can't wait to see how he feathers up :D

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