Our weekend started with helping out a friend.....now we always are willing to do what we can to help out....
but when you have a friend who is a great musician "helping" doesn't really come close to what we did..... this guy works so hard, puts in long, long hours.....we come along and move a few things and stand around getting to see a great performance....yeah sure we sell a few cd's here and there...talk about hard listening to all of these people telling you how great your friend is ;) yeah that's some real hard work there.......
André was "working" so hard he had time to sit down and trade pencils with another friend of ours Cecy :D

What a show...the dunes were full of people as far as you could see....it was so surreal in the moonlight you could see people but not make them out clearly....we were sitting a few feet from the friends we were planning on meeting, but didn't realize until it was almost over........ the music carried so beautifully....you would never have known by the way Randy played that it had been a long day for him already....it was truly magical
Like a full day of going out and listening to great music the day before wasn't enough for a great weekend as it was.....
This morning we woke up to 2 more eggs, laid by different hens...we now have 3 chickens laying.....
we had thought that one of the reds was laying until a few days ago....then our only barred rock laid one while I was there lol....she tends to lay her eggs in the early afternoons ( and did so today so we got 3 :) )
so the question is who laid these two...one is clearly darker than the other....I have read that reds have darker brown eggs than some chickens......we do have buffs that are sounding really ready to lay as well.......
So doing good with eggs and chickens......
and off to "help" at another show of Randy's....... a few of the same people who saw him yesterday came back to hear more.....
This older gentleman comes up and puts a tip in the jar.....than comes back to speak to me
asks me how I know Randy....I say just a great friend I enjoy helping out
He gave me a tip too :D
a dollar coin...how cool is that :D
Last month we had a reporter from the local paper ask if they could stop in and ask us about reiki....we invited them to a workshop......
the article came out today.....
oddly enough we had just about the same clothes on today lol
tonight we are looking to do a bit of work around here...after that find something to put on the grill....
Wishing our best to you and yours
Check out Randy Granger here
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