We had been invited to go camping, we said yes....something we would normally be hesitant to do....allergies and all...
a few things came up.......our two doggies, a reminder of my problems with pine...and issues with the van
I was so happy to get the email saying they are doggie people :D... no issues with the pines, all will be good...it's a magical place
WOO HOO we were going camping SWEET
Where.. not really sure
This is where
me and Phoebe....it was not the tallest tree around just the first we stopped by
We had a tent, sleeping bags, mats to sleep on, there was even a tee pee out house...all of this before we even got there :) what more could you ask for
We learned so much about the plants, animals just about everything...fossils everywhere.....
all while being here, it was breath taking.........then it rained........I couldn't believe it.... really what more could you want :D
How about doggies who were loving it......no one was afraid of Nostradamus at ALL...even said let him off the leash. HE LOVE IT he was so good, he listened to everyone most of the time ;)
Both dogs loved running free they were so good :D
Okay as if this wasn't cool enough......we could breath the whole time....even got to sit by a campfire....it rained during the night, the tent was dry and sounded so cool...only the sound of rain drops, and a deer or two....
as we were getting ready to leave....the issues with the van cleared up.......they were right it is a magical place
We will be going back
Thank you so much Mark you made this a great weekend for all us, we had a great time and learned so much :D Ellen you were so right this was FUN Thank you
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