At the kennel they said he is a Great Pyrenees blend, by all looks I'd say that's what he is mostly if not fully.....
He's just over 4 months and close to 30 lbs. he's grown almost 10 lbs. in 2 weeks, and he's not over weight....

He ended up at the kennel after falling off the back of a farmers truck, he got hurt pretty bad....had to have a tooth removed, in shock.... the people behind the farmer stopped and saved him....the farmer never stopped, the people tried to get him to pull over......he was doing about 65 mph.
After that the poor guy got parvo and had to stay at the vets for a month....
That's when my parents got him the day back to the kennel..... as he was kept away from everyone he's a bit lacking on his "people" skills....
That's when my parents got him the day back to the kennel..... as he was kept away from everyone he's a bit lacking on his "people" skills....
He was too much for their older dogs.....
He gets along pretty good with our guys....not all sugar and sweetness, but getting along....still don't take Buffy's chew bone lol
Nostradamus is beautiful....thanks for posting some pics of him-glad he's settling down some.....it's a process!!!!! love you all
He is doing much better Kelly I'm happy to say :D
love you all :D
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