Sunday, April 5, 2015

chickens... lots of chickens

Nostradamus loves watching the babies..

These are the little ones he is watching.. Cornish rocks, Leghorns, Cochins and two we are not sure about yet...

These little ones are bantam Cochins and Ameraucanas... and a few we are not sure of yet lol  ..

in this group we have Reds, Leghorns and buff Orpingtons

Theses are full sized Ameraucanas the only pullets we got other than in the first group.. they didn't have straight run.. we do try and stick with straight run as much as we can.. the roos will have a much longer happy life..
this is our new frizzle... so soft

this girl turned into quite a beauty.. in spite of the look she's giving my phone lol

a few of the hens we were gifted last fall.. they don't normally stick this close together glad I had my phone ready to snap a shot

this hen is one of the babies we hatched out last year.. she is a total sweetie...
just a few our new and not so new chickens..
Happy Easter

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