Saturday, January 16, 2010

Birthday socks

Andre my oldest turns 17 on Monday. The day after that is my husbands birthday. Jorden my youngest turns 16 next month. So I've been working on Birthday gifts
Andre asked for a hat. Still working on that. Pattern to come soon.

I wasn't real happy with the hat I had made Brent for our anniversary. We both had really different ideas on what it should look like. As he was the one whose head it would be on, I did what he wanted. He wears it and likes it. Just not what I had in mind.
I wanted to make him some socks he could kick back in the evenings with. He works so hard for us. Right now on his first day off in almost two weeks, he is working on the boys bathroom. He's putting up new tile behind the sink area YIPPEE
Bulky, warm, nice to wear on a cool night, type socks. I went through my stash and came out with a skein of green camo worsted weight "I Love This Yarn". I had made a pair of socks for myself last year out of this brand of yarn and love them.
I thought for sure I had more of this yarn. Turns out it wasn't the same colorway. When do I find this out .............
yeah when I'm a few inches from the toes...... on both socks .
Didn't want to deal with sss you know ;) lol
I had this yarn for almost a year. I had picked it up on clearance. It was loosely wound into a skein, but the yarn looked fine.
So we went to Hobby Lobby where I got the yarn to begin with. I could not believe the color change from one dye lot to another.
I loved the look of the stuff I had at home really easy to work with, but this stuff was choppy and ruff, badly dyed. Way too big of a change in the yarn itself let alone the colorway.
I was going to give up on it and make the toes black or something, when I bent down to take another look as they were on the very bottom of the display ( I was pretty close to the display so others could get around me, maybe a foot or so ) I was there all of 2 minutes.
All of a sudden a stocker who had been working at the other end of the isle, is shoving a skein of yarn into the bin right in front of my face, she just missed me. I looked up, she gave me a "look" and said "oh I'm just putting the yarn out". When my own "look" followed that, she did say excuse me as she was turning her back to me.
You know up until that point I was getting ready to walk away, I decided to have a better look instead. So I sat down right there on the floor and pulled out everyone of the skeins in that colorway out to check their coloring and lot number. Partly because I had a few minutes to spare waiting for my kids and really was needing that yarn. Partly because this woman was so rude and clearly wanted me to leave. With almost no hope left for even a close match. I saw one more... the last skein...... all the way in back, I had to almost lie on the floor to get it.
IT WAS A MATCH right down to the loose wrap of the skein. WOO HOO
I was so happy after putting all the yarn back nicer than it had been ( used to do that for a living would never have left a mess, but she didn't know that ;) I thanked her for her help. The look she gave me... lol
What are the odds to find the same dye lot number almost a year later. They had to be just putting it to the back so as not to deal with the winding issue. They just moved the whole yarn area so it wasn't like it was there all that time. I have never been so happy for poor workers before, now back to knitting those socks.......


Sarah {The Student Knitter} said...

yay! I'm so happy for you! That would totally make my day too. hehe

fleegle said...

Luck was smiling on you for sure! I always seem to buy the last skein of everything.

Glad you like my little trick.. It works for intarsia-in-the-round too!

Barbra Szabrowicz said...

Luck was on my side :)

Fleegle, love your whole blog.