Sunday, June 15, 2008

Father's Day

Happy Father's Day to all the Dad's out there. : )

This has been a crazy week around here. My sister moved in with us, and is now staying on the couch. Until hubby gets the add on rooms done. So far everything there is going good.

Our mountains are on fire. The photo at the top of this page are of the Organ Mountains, the fire would be on the right side of the photo looking at it. The fire was started yesterday, late afternoon. You can see the flames from my back door steps. They are spreading fast. A very hard to get to area. This morning it would seem to be slowing down, or at least there is less smoke. We haven't had any rain to speak of this year, the "rainy season" doesn't start until around the first week in July, which now seems very far off. They said it had burned over 400 acres by 6pm last night.
Smoke filled our house around 3am making it very hard to breath. Only a hand full of houses are in that area. I wish them the best. I hope the animals living up there made it out. I know that's most likely not the case, but one can wish.
Reports are saying, it was a "man" started fire, in other words not lighting. Too many people don't realize just how fast a fire can spread in dry areas like this. I hope all goes well.
Thanks must go to all the fire fighters working on this. Please be safe.

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